Riverwood Landscape Kitchener Blog Posts

Articles, Tips and More

Welcome to our Blog, where you will find inspiration, ideas, industry trends, and expert advice from the team at Riverwood Landscape of Kitchener. These blogs will help you find answers to your queries and provide interesting insights about all things related to landscape, lawn, and maintenance.

Every article has the knowledge that's second nature for most landscapers. These articles benefit an average gardener, homeowner, and business owner attempting to maintain their lawn and keep it in its best condition all season long. Feel free to take the ideas, suggestions, tips, and advice and put them to work for the well-being of your lawn!

Mow Like a Pro: Lawn Mowing Tips for a Healthy Lawn - Mastering the Art of Mowing Your Grass to Perfection

Introduction to Lawn Care: Why Regular Mowing Matters 

A well-maintained lawn is the pride of any homeowner. Regular mowing is not just about keeping the grass neat; it's about nurturing a healthy lawn that thrives. Understanding how to mow your lawn properly can make a significant difference in its appearance and health. Let's explore why mowing matters and how to do it right.

What Type of Mower Should You Choose? 

Choosing the right mower is crucial for effective lawn care. The mower blade's sharpness and the mower's cutting height can significantly impact how well you cut the grass. Consider factors like lawn size, grass type, and personal preferences when selecting a mower. A well-maintained mower blade ensures a clean cut, promoting healthy grass plants.

lawn mower blade close

How to Mow Your Lawn for Optimal Growth 

Mowing is not just about cutting grass; it's an art that promotes healthy growth. Here's how to mow your lawn effectively:

  • Mow Regularly: Regular mowing keeps the lawn neat and encourages new growth.
  • Avoid Cutting Too Short: Cutting the grass too short can stress the grass plants, leading to a less healthy lawn.
  • Alternate Directions: Changing mowing directions prevents soil compaction, allowing grass to grow freely.

Clippings on the Lawn: To Remove or Not to Remove? 

Grass clippings can be a dilemma. Leaving clippings on the lawn returns nutrients to the soil but can look untidy. If you choose to leave the clippings, ensure they are evenly distributed. If you prefer a cleaner look, consider composting the clippings for future lawn care.

blue rake on wooden stick collecting

What's the Ideal Mowing Height for Your Grass? 

The ideal mowing height varies with grass type and season. Cutting too short can expose the soil to weed growth, while leaving it too long can lead to disease. Research your grass type and adjust the mower cutting height accordingly to maintain a lush, healthy lawn.

How Often Should You Mow a Lawn? 

The frequency of mowing depends on the growth rate of the grass. During peak growing seasons, you may need to mow weekly. In slower growth periods, mowing every other week may suffice. Regular mowing promotes a dense, weed-resistant lawn.

Blade Care: How to Maintain Your Mower Blade 

A sharp mower blade cuts cleanly, while a dull blade tears the grass, leading to a brownish appearance. Regularly inspect and sharpen the mower blade to ensure a healthy cut. Consider professional sharpening if needed.

Weed Control: How Does Mowing Help? 

Regular mowing helps control weed growth by keeping the lawn dense and leaving less room for weeds to thrive. Cutting before weeds go to seed also prevents them from spreading. A well-mowed lawn is often the best defense against weeds.

When Should You Aerate Your Lawn to Help Growth? 

Aeration loosens compacted soil, allowing water, nutrients, and air to reach grass roots. It complements mowing by promoting healthy growth. Consider aerating your lawn once a year, preferably during the growing season.

picture grass aerator on green lawn

Should You Hire a Lawn Care Company? 

If mowing and lawn care seem overwhelming, hiring a lawn care company might be a wise choice. Professionals have the expertise and tools to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful, allowing you more time to enjoy it.

Conclusion: Your Roadmap to a Healthy Lawn 

Mowing is more than a chore; it's a pathway to a vibrant, healthy lawn. By understanding how to mow, when to cut the grass, and how to maintain your mower blade, you can create a lawn that's not only beautiful but thriving. Remember these key points:

  • Choose the right mower and keep the blade sharp: Select a mower that suits your lawn's size and grass type. Regularly sharpen the blade for clean cuts.
  • Mow regularly, but not too short: Consistent mowing promotes healthy growth, but cutting the grass too short can stress the plants.
  • Consider clippings' impact and aerate when necessary: Decide whether to leave or remove grass clippings based on your lawn's nutrient needs. Aerate the soil at least once a year to improve water and nutrient absorption.
  • Weed Control: Regular mowing helps in controlling weed growth by maintaining a dense lawn.
  • Professional Help: If lawn care seems overwhelming, consider hiring a professional service for optimal results.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: Be mindful of the growing seasons and adjust your mowing frequency accordingly.
  • Blade Care: Inspect and sharpen your mower blade regularly to ensure a healthy cut and avoid damaging the grass.
  • Environmental Benefits: A well-maintained lawn captures carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, contributing to a healthier environment.






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Holding a fertilizer for grass growth in granules on the grass
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We’re a team of dedicated landscaping professionals who are well-known for getting any landscaping project done right, the first time around. We’re passionate about helping homeowners and business owners reach their landscaping goals and we take pride in our ability to provide high-quality services at an affordable price.
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